Chiefs of the Indian Tribes of North America by Charles Bird King
Phrenology Diagrams by Louis Allen Vaught
Art Forms of Nature by Ernst Haeckel
Woodblock Prints by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Renaissance Armor by various artists
Late 19th-Century Japan by Kusakabe Kimbei
Marble Busts by various artists
Visualizing Bubbles by various artists
Space Colony by Rick Giudice & Don Davis
Early Photomicrographs of Nature by Arthur E. Smith
Iconography of Cacti by Édouard Maubert
Color problems by Emily Noyes Vanderpoel
Roadside America by John Margolies
Physical Training for Businessmen by A.B. Phelan
Snowflakes by various artists
The Great Barrier Reef of Australia by William Saville-Kent
Aurora Borealis by various artists
Flowers of Fire by Hirayama Fireworks Co.
X-Ray Photography by Josef Maria Eder and Eduard Valenta
Queen City Ink Adverts (12 artworks)